Intelligent Cable Solution, Cable Harness Assemblies, Cable Harness Assemblies Sydney, Cable Harness Assemblies Brookvale, Cable Harness Assemblies Australia, RF Coaxial Cables, Wiring Harness, Video/Audio Cables, Custom Molded Cables, Power Cables Assemblies, Control Panels Assemblies, Enclosures and Equipment Raks, Overhaul and Modification, Working Parties and On-site Support, Harness Component Supply, Wire Component Supply, Automated Process Tooling, Cable and Panel Design, Prototypig and Development, RF Cable Testing, Automated Testing, Lass Cable, Cable Harness Assemblies, Cable Harness, Harness Assemblies, Cable maker, Custom Harness Assemblies, Custom Cables, Custom Cable Harness, Custom Harness, Land Air Sea Space, Cable harness assembly, cable harness assembly Sydney, cable harness assembly Asia, cable harness assembly New Zealand, cable harness Australia, Custom Cable Assembly
Quality Policy
LASS is committed to providing products and services that meet and exceed the requirements and expectations of our customers.
Product Quality
Product quality is maintained through our internal training program based on industry standard IPC / WHMA-A-620.
Training is co-ordinated by our production manager who is a qualified IPC / WHMA-A-620 trainer.
We achieve this by focusing on
- Focusing on the expectations of our customers
- Doing the right things right first time
- Continuous improvement
- Reputation for Quality
- A commitment to excellence in all areas of our business
Product Testing
All products are 100% inspected and subject to a diverse range of tests from our automated DITMCO test system.
Customer specific test parameters can be programmed into the DITMCO machine ensuring products are supplied fully tested.

Computer generated test report can be provided in both hard and soft copy.
Where customer requirements require specific functionality tests to be carried out, custom test tooling can be manufactured
We can also provide cable loss and VSWR graphs with any RF products we supply using our Anritsu RF Analyser

LASS also use the DSX CableAnalyzer copper test solution that enables testing and certification of twisted pair cabling
for up to 10 Gigabit Ethernet deployments and will handle any cabling system whether it is a Cat 5e, 6, 6A or Class FA.
Certifying a cable is one part of a process that starts with system design and ends with system acceptance.
LASS products are used in some of the world’s most demanding environments.
Quality and operational safety form our business foundations and are accredited to ISO 9001:2015